MockIt 1.1.0 is here 🎉

I'm happy to let you know that we have released MockIt 1.1.0!

We have added some great additional features to the project:

New Features

Bug fixes


  • Added more documentation around new features and also how to add, edit and delete routes.


Grouping Routes

This was a great idea shared by JDansercoer. Which is the ability to group routes based on the route path. This feature is optional and you can enable it in your applications settings.

Grouped Routes

If you want to know more checkout the docs: grouped routes documentation

Adding Headers to Routes

This was a feature request from nodesocket. You can now set headers per route through the UI.

Route Headers

Whats next?

We will be focusing on some more functionality that will hopefully make MockIt more useful.

We are looking into supporting OpenAPI details can be found here

We are also looking into getting better randomised data into the response fields, more details can be found here

Also we will be publishing Docker images to the docker registry to get your setup time down, more documentation on how to contribute and also how to deploy MockIt in cloud providers.

If you would like to contribute or have any feature requests or ideas please get involved!

Looking forward to the next release!